2014년 9월 24일 수요일
Let you know the Easy Way to do Moxibustion at Home
We introduce a new concept of moxa cauterizer 'Medi- Aladdin' to you.
Aladdin is a safe and smart self-treating moxa cauterizer that allow you to treat anywhere of your body and any symptoms while you just sit back and relax watching TV or book without worrying pain or burns.
Using special harmless material, Aladdin is an essential part of home doctor for you.
Cauterize your feet when you are tired, the pit of the stomach when having an attack of indigestion, at cervical spine C7 when coming down with a cold, in the head when having headaches, to knee when having knee sick.
Moxa cauterizer is a staple of the family from baby to grandfather when it is vague to see doctors or fall in minor emergency. "Most people who have ever used 'Medi- Aladdin' join the admiration that small moxa cauterizer like Aladdin has such a powerful effect."
A lady says her husband is a doctor who had hated oriental medicine but abandoned the bias after curing sore knee with cauterizer, and a department store surprised at the unexpected popularity of 'Medi- Aladdin' when it first launched the sales.
I confidently recommend it!
It is different from existing moxibustion, because it doesn't have existing weakness such as using difficulty and burn injury.
And I am sure 'Medi Aladdin' is the best way to do moxibustion by yourself !
Why don't you live wellness life with 'Medi Aladdin'?
▼ Buy it Now
2014년 9월 21일 일요일
You will be refreshed after cauterize your feet with the moxa
After the development of smart moxa cauterizer 'Medi- Aladdin', as I had difficulty in finding the correct sales route, some of my friends suggested me to do the promotion through SNS. The moxa cauterizer 'Medi- Aladdin' is a real good product enhancing the quality of life, and currently being sold in many reputable department stores and Hanaro Club, but it is still true that the product is not so well known to the public.
I am one of those who strive hard to make success in the promotion, but the result is so compensating the effort. Success is just one of the ten up today.
Therefore, instead of promoting my own product, I would like to inform you the effect and the potentiality of the moxa cauterizer in general.
Through the history of several thousand years, many people acknowledge that moxibustion is the best treatment method free from side effects, and it has been scientifically proved that moxibustion is good for immune enhancement, blood circulation, and pain relief.
There are many enthusiasts for moxibustion as it is really a good treatment method.
Some people said to cure cancer with moxibustion, but I suggest you clear minor daily health problems with the moxibustion.
Is fatigue an issue? Are you tired always?
Isn't your feet badly sore after a busy day?
No matter how much tired you are, you will feel fatigue disappear when cauterizing on your feet.
Cauterizing Yongcheonhyeol, little bit front side of the bottom of the foot, will relieve the fatigue of your whole body and good for insomnia. Cauterizing Yongcheonhyeol before you go to bed, you will get a high quality deep sleep and refreshing good morning next day.
Clear the fatigue of today, and I will inform you another secret of moxibustion in my next blogging.
Thank you for reading.
Bye for now!
▼ Buy it Now
Therefore, instead of promoting my own product, I would like to inform you the effect and the potentiality of the moxa cauterizer in general.
Through the history of several thousand years, many people acknowledge that moxibustion is the best treatment method free from side effects, and it has been scientifically proved that moxibustion is good for immune enhancement, blood circulation, and pain relief.
There are many enthusiasts for moxibustion as it is really a good treatment method.
Some people said to cure cancer with moxibustion, but I suggest you clear minor daily health problems with the moxibustion.
Is fatigue an issue? Are you tired always?
Isn't your feet badly sore after a busy day?
No matter how much tired you are, you will feel fatigue disappear when cauterizing on your feet.
Cauterizing Yongcheonhyeol, little bit front side of the bottom of the foot, will relieve the fatigue of your whole body and good for insomnia. Cauterizing Yongcheonhyeol before you go to bed, you will get a high quality deep sleep and refreshing good morning next day.
Clear the fatigue of today, and I will inform you another secret of moxibustion in my next blogging.
Thank you for reading.
Bye for now!
▼ Buy it Now
2014년 9월 15일 월요일
What is the Best Moxa for Moxibustion?
Smart Moxibustioner Medi Aladdin
use only Korean Moxa for Moxibustion

Why we have to use only Korean moxa(mugwort) for moxibustion?
Because the Chinese moxa's smoke comes out more than moxa of Korean and smells a little unpleasant.
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@2014 C.Soln.co All Rights Reverved |
Feature of Medi Aladdin's Moxa
▶ Sajuari Moxa, Sajabla Moxa that grow in the West Sea Beaches with sea breeze
▶ Harvested around Dano festival for the maximum effectiveness
▶ Only 100% Korean Moxa is processed in the most effective way and is thus easy to use
▶ The best moxa gives you a soft, good moxa smell and the smoke has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial effects, preventing flu and eye troubles.
2014년 9월 10일 수요일
Moxibustion's Effects of Various Perspective
The Effects of Moxibustion from A Scientific Perspective
▷ Moxibustion is the most effective way to stimulate our body. With its warmth, light and the medical effect of moxa, it can enhance your health.
▷ Immunity-Enhancing Mechanism using Thermotherapy
The temperature of the affected part higher than 40℃ → Arteries and capillaries enlarged → Blood flow increases → Supply of oxygen and nutrition increases → Smooth elimination of bodily waste, Increase in the supply of antibody and white blood cells → Increased immunity
▷ Anti-inflammatory Mechanism (Valy Menkin's Chemical Factor Theory)
As the cell injured by heat is undergoing autolysis, it changes itself into a chemical factor, helping the anti-inflammation.
▷ The injured cell dissolves itself and produces leukotaxin that enhances the penetrability of capillaries, enhancing the osmosis of leukocytes → The injured cell dissolves itself into inducing LPF(Leuko-cytosis Promoting Factor) that releases the number of leukocytes → Induces phylexin that releases the temperature of the affected part and enhances the immunity → Lastly induces leukopeanin and necrosin that suppress the heat and the producing
The Theory of Moxibustion in Korean Traditional Medicine
Balance the *Yin and Yang to Return the Body's Metabolism to Its Best and Keep It Healthy
▷ In the Traditional Medicine, the human body is ideal when the yin and yang are balanced. Illness implies that this balance is broken.
▷ The therapeutic techniques used in the Traditional Medicine such as herbal medicine, acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping and massage are to re-balance the yin and yang to achieve the optimal level of homeostasis.
▷ The lack of balance can be distinguished as the emptiness(虛) and the fullness(實). The emptiness(虛) is dealt with the filling(補), and the fullness(實) is with the clearing(寫).
▷ For the clearing(寫), laxative, clear and acupuncture are used. For the filling(補), warmth-filler and moxibustion are used.
▷ In terms of the progress of the illness, the clearing is used for an acute disease, and the filling for a chronic disease.
*Yin and Yang
[NOUN] two complementary principles of Chinese philosophy: Yin is negative, dark, and feminine, Yang positive, bright, and masculine. Their interaction is thought to maintain the harmony of the universe and to influence everything within it
The Effects of Moxibustion from the Perspective of the Traditional Medicine
▷ The lack of balance can be distinguished as the emptiness(虛) and the fullness(實). The emptiness(虛) is dealt with the filling(補), and the fullness(實) is with the clearing(寫).
▷ For the clearing(寫), laxative, clear and acupuncture are used. For the filling(補), warmth-filler and moxibustion are used.
▷ In terms of the progress of the illness, the clearing is used for an acute disease, and the filling for a chronic disease.
*Yin and Yang
[NOUN] two complementary principles of Chinese philosophy: Yin is negative, dark, and feminine, Yang positive, bright, and masculine. Their interaction is thought to maintain the harmony of the universe and to influence everything within it
The Effects of Moxibustion from the Perspective of the Traditional Medicine
Curing of the lack of energy and pain, let out bodily and toxic waste
▷ Smooth the body metabolism, enhance the blood flow, and stop pain.
▷ Compliment the warmness in body.
▷ Warm up the body and drive out the coldness.
▷ Drive out the moisture and heat.
▷ Enhance the energy level.
▷ Help the body to stay healthy
※ Source> Dr. Ku Hyung Lee, 'The meridian system flows on the body.', Seoul Publication
The Effects of Moxibustion Proven by Modern Medicine
▷ Improve anemia
▷ Related to pain-relieve system
▷ Enhance kidney function
▷ Stimulate hormon secretion
▷ Effective for osteoporosis
▷ Enhance immune system
▷ Stimulate the recovery of liver failure
▷ Drop blood pressure
▷ Decrease the glucose and cholesterol level
※ Source> Kun Mok Lee et al., 'The Study on the popularizing moxibustion and the ways of its use.' Korean Acupuncture Journal, Book 20, 6th issue, pp. 63-79, 2003
▷ Smooth the body metabolism, enhance the blood flow, and stop pain.
▷ Compliment the warmness in body.
▷ Warm up the body and drive out the coldness.
▷ Drive out the moisture and heat.
▷ Enhance the energy level.
▷ Help the body to stay healthy
※ Source> Dr. Ku Hyung Lee, 'The meridian system flows on the body.', Seoul Publication
The Effects of Moxibustion Proven by Modern Medicine
▷ Improve anemia
▷ Related to pain-relieve system
▷ Enhance kidney function
▷ Stimulate hormon secretion
▷ Effective for osteoporosis
▷ Enhance immune system
▷ Stimulate the recovery of liver failure
▷ Drop blood pressure
▷ Decrease the glucose and cholesterol level
※ Source> Kun Mok Lee et al., 'The Study on the popularizing moxibustion and the ways of its use.' Korean Acupuncture Journal, Book 20, 6th issue, pp. 63-79, 2003
2014년 9월 4일 목요일
Moxibusion, Do It Yourself at home with Medi Aladdin
Smart Moxibustioner Medi Aladdin's
Manual by Component parts
Manual by Component parts
1. Handle lid contains smoke and concentrates the effects onto the affected area.
2. High strength special materials endure the heat above 280℃ and is harmless to human body. The large open area at the bottom intensifies the effect.
3. The distance between the device and skin can be adjusted for young children and those who are sensitive to heat.
4. The amount of heat can be controlled with the height-adjustor.
5. The ergonomic handle allows you to remove the device as much as you want, getting rid of the danger of hit. You can use the device wherever you want using the handle.
6. Another type of lid is included so that you can use moxibustion both from the top and from the bottom.
Get away from sore muscles, with Medi Aladdin!
▼ Buy it Now
▼ Buy it Now
2014년 9월 1일 월요일
C.Soln Story
Wisdom from Tradition, Science form Nature
2007. 06 - Encouragement Prize (Daegu Haany University)
2009. 12 - 2009 Consumer Satisfaction Best Company & Brand Award (Sports Chosun)
2009. 12 - 2009 The Best Korea Awards (Hankuk Ilbo)
2010. 02 - Super Company (Hankuk Ilbo)
2010. 02 - Consumer Best Price in Herbal Cosmetics (Sports Seoul)
■ Academic - Industrial Collaboration
□ Herbal Shampoo Development and Marketing (Daegu Haany University)
□ Traditional Therapies' Warmth Treatment Machine Development (Daegu Haany University) and 3 others
■ Patents
2006. 06 - Venture Company Certified (Certification)
2006. 08 - Height Adjustable Moxibustioner (Patent)
2007. 03 - Body-Range Moxibustioner (Patent)
2008. 03 - Food Compliment for Weight-Control and Its Production Method (Patent)
2008. 06 - Photochemical Massage Machine (Patent Submitted)
2008. 09 - Body-Range Warmth Treatment Machine (Patent Submitted)
2008. 09 - C.Soln AtoDown (Trademark Registration)
2008. 10 - CharmSlim (Trademark Registration)
2009. 02 - C.Soln AtoDown Bebe (Trademark Registration)
2009. 03 - C.Soln Bi-dan Shampoo (Trademark Registration)
■ C.Soln
□ The Leading Company for Eco-friendly Scientification of the Traditional Medicine
□ Our products are developed by the best researchers of Daegu Haany University and produced at the university factory inside the Haany University.
□ Now we are developing medical appliances for the traditional medicine on a new leel with Daegu Haany University, the Institute for Korea Traditional Medical Industry and Bio Industry Center. (Electronic Thermotherapy machine)
□ We contribute to the welfare of the nation with medical appliances both for use at home and saling at shops. Our pursuit for medical tourists are also a good contribution to national economy.
□ we lead the scientification of the Traditional Medicine that is thought to be unscientific.
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